Friday, August 29, 2008

So this morning I decided to completely reload my iPod for the journey up to Dear Old State later this evening. I spent a good part of my morning agonizing over the perfect playlists, adding just the right albums, individual songs, etc.

The problem is...I forgot to sync my iPod after I did all that. So I sit here at work with a completely empty iPod sitting in my speaker dock. So much for my Friday-before-a-holiday ritual of closing the door, playing my music a little too loud and dancing around the office a bit.

The silence is deafening.

Oh least I still get to see the Lion and eat stickies all weekend.

Almost time for another Big11Ten Football Weekend!! :D
I was about to suggest we go to the Iowa game this year, but I just realized that's the weekend Don and I are going to Vegas.
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