Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Good music at Cobalt?

I haven't been to Cobalt in years, but I got this from one of the homo mailing lists I'm on. Sounds promising. I may have to go to this. I can't rightfully complain about the music in gay bars, if I don't support them when they do play good stuff.

Indie rock/Britpop at Cobalt this Sunday

Hey all, Cobalt has invited me back to DJ another night of indie rock,
Britpop, alt 80s, post-punk, etc., THIS Sunday, March 20. It's getting
down to the wire and I'm only now getting the word out, so do forward
this on to friends and turn up this Sunday! We had a great time and a
great turnout in November, and hope to do even better with this one. As
always, requests in advance are welcome.

Sunday March 20
@ Cobalt
R Street NW at 17th, upstairs
No cover...drink specials...adorable bartenders
9pm until ?

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