Sunday, October 03, 2004


Ambulance Ltd. tonight

Stayed in last night. Bad Homo!

Killers/Ambulance, Ltd. tonight. What do you guys think of The Killers? I've heard mixed things about them. I guess I'll find out tonight. I was gonna stop by Taint, but it looks like it's next week.

I'll Probably pickup WedRock tickets while I'm at 9:30. Still debating the VIP thing though. It's a good cause, but it's a lot of money. Plus, I'm still holding out hope for the "Vote For Change" finale, which isn't cheap. We'll see.

Penn State lost to Minnesota last night. Looks like they held their own though, which seems to be all we can hope for these days. 16-7 isn't that bad against a ranked team. I need to get a TiVo so I can find highlights a little easier.

May actually head to the gym today. What a novel concept.

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